BAS Engineering & Projects Limited is committed believes that protection of health of its employees at work is based on the prevention or control of exposure to hazards.
The Company will identify all employees at risk and ensure that appropriate control measures are implemented to safeguard them both on and off the job to a level ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ (ALARP).

This shell be achieved through the following:

  • By complying with the laws of Bangladesh (BD).
  • Carrying out Health Risk Assessments against defined Standards and using it as framework for effectively managing the risks.
  • Educating the workforce on the consequences of prolonged exposure to Occupational Health Risks by conducting awareness program and ensuring the use of Personnel Protective Equipment.
  • Providing medical care and surveillance of personnel to enable the management to deploy necessary resources.
  • Publishing and disseminating Occupational Health related topics through internal magazines, circulars and talks.

On Behalf of BAS Engineering & Projects Limited.